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135 results for: Economic security

Release: Supreme Court of Canada decision is a win for human rights

VANCOUVER – Today, the Supreme Court of Canada released its judgment in Schrenk v BC Human Rights Tribunal, a case about the scope of human rights protections against discriminatory harassment in the workplace. The Court ruled in the complainant’s favour, finding that human rights law prohibits discrimination in the workplace regardless of whether it is perpetuated by an … Read more Release: Supreme Court of Canada decision is a win for human rights

Submission to the Fair Wages Commission

In December 2017, West Coast LEAF submitted recommendations to BC’s Fair Wages Commission, with a focus on closing the gap between the living wage and the minimum wage and addressing the gendered dimensions of economic insecurity. Our recommendations included: Read our briefing note here. Submissions

2017 CEDAW Report Card

On December 6th, 2017, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women, West Coast LEAF issued our 9th annual CEDAW Report Card, assessing BC’s progress in nine key areas impacting women’s human rights, including access to justice, economic security, affordable housing and child care, and women’s health and safety. Government inaction in all of … Read more 2017 CEDAW Report Card

Release: BC still not making the grade in women’s equality, despite modest improvements

VANCOUVER – Today, West Coast LEAF released its ninth annual report card on the rights of women in BC. While BC has pulled up its grade in seven of the nine key areas this year, the report card still shows a serious need for improvement in order to fulfill international commitments on women’s human rights. The … Read more Release: BC still not making the grade in women’s equality, despite modest improvements

Release: #JusticeReformBC – Broad coalition of legal organizations calling for significant reform to BC’s justice system

Pivot Legal Society, Community Legal Assistance Society, BC Civil Liberties Association, and West Coast LEAF are calling on the provincial government to implement significant changes to BC’s justice and legal systems in order to support marginalized and Indigenous communities in the province, and to improve the delivery of justice to all British Columbians. The organizations … Read more Release: #JusticeReformBC – Broad coalition of legal organizations calling for significant reform to BC’s justice system

Briefing note on pay equity

In August 2018, West Coast LEAF met with the Honourable Minister Harry Bains and the Parliamentary Secretary for Gender Equity Mitzi Dean to present a briefing note calling for proactive pay equity and pay transparency legislation to be implemented in the province. British Columbia is the third worst province in Canada when it comes to the gendered earnings gap. … Read more Briefing note on pay equity

Submissions on BC’s Poverty Reduction Strategy

In March 2018, West Coast LEAF submitted recommendations on BC’s Poverty Reduction Strategy to the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction. We highlighted the need for an intersectional gender analysis for all policies, legislation, and decision-making to address poverty, and for inter-ministerial collaboration and a whole-of-government approach to tackling this issue. We made specific … Read more Submissions on BC’s Poverty Reduction Strategy

Schrenk v British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal [2017]

Case summary Schrenk v British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal is a case about the scope of discrimination regarding employment in British Columbia’s Human Rights Code. Specifically, the Supreme Court of Canada considered whether protection from discrimination in the workplace applies only where the wrongdoer is someone in a position of power or authority over the complainant and … Read more Schrenk v British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal [2017]