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87 results for: Submission

Letter to Burnaby about the Metrotown Development Plan and women’s housing security

In November 2016, we wrote to Burnaby’s City Councilors and Mayor Derek Corrigan to urge them to take into account the possible consequences of displacement from rental housing for vulnerable residents, particularly women and their children, as they consider the Metrotown Development Plan. We explained why women and children’s safety and economic security are at … Read more Letter to Burnaby about the Metrotown Development Plan and women’s housing security

Joint submission to the UN on child care and CEDAW

In October 2016, West Coast LEAF partnered with the Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC on a submission to the United Nations about the essential role of child care for fulfilling Canada’s obligations under CEDAW (the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women). Our Director of Law Reform traveled to Geneva, Switzerland … Read more Joint submission to the UN on child care and CEDAW

Submission on 2017 Budget Consultations

In October 2016, West Coast LEAF wrote to the Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services to call for women’s equality to be made a priority for BC’s 2017 budget. We made particular recommendations to reduce poverty, improve women’s access to justice, and address the unacceptable treatment of women in prison, including the over-incarceration of Indigenous women. Read our submission.  (PDF, … Read more Submission on 2017 Budget Consultations

Submission to the BC Ministry of Justice Regarding the Family Law Act

In September 2016, West Coast LEAF wrote to the BC Ministry of Justice in response to two consultation papers about property division and guardianship under BC’s Family Law Act. We spoke out against proposed amendments to the Act that would give guardianship to all biological parents without requiring significant involvement in caring for a child. This change would lead … Read more Submission to the BC Ministry of Justice Regarding the Family Law Act

Submission to Status of Women Canada on the Federal Strategy on Gender-Based Violence

In September 2016, West Coast LEAF submitted a letter to Status of Women Canada in response to a call for feedback on the development of a federal strategy on gender-based violence. To respond to the alarming rate of serious violence against women in relationships, including violence leading to death (intimate partner homicide), West Coast LEAF … Read more Submission to Status of Women Canada on the Federal Strategy on Gender-Based Violence

Briefing note on amending social assistance legislation to support women’s financial independence

In September 2016, we submitted a briefing note to the BC government calling for changes to the Employment Assistance Act and the Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Act that would support women’s financial independence, self-determination in relationships, and ability to flee abusers. We called for revisions to the current broad definitions of “spouse” and “dependent” in the … Read more Briefing note on amending social assistance legislation to support women’s financial independence

Letter to Post-Secondary Institutions Regarding Sexual Misconduct Policies

In August 2016, West Coast LEAF wrote to post-secondary institutions in British Columbia about the implementation of legislation requiring them to adopt sexual violence and misconduct policies. We’re encouraged that the BC government is taking initiative to protect the rights of survivors on campus with Bill 23, the Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy Act (“the Act”), which will … Read more Letter to Post-Secondary Institutions Regarding Sexual Misconduct Policies

Letter opposing the clawback of maternity and parental leave benefits from disability assistance

In July 2016, West Coast LEAF wrote to Michelle Stilwell, Minister of Social Development and Social Innovation, to call for an end to the clawback of maternity leave and parental leave EI benefits from assistance payments for parents who are designated as Persons with Disabilities (PWD). Deducting maternity leave and parental leave benefits from disability assistance has … Read more Letter opposing the clawback of maternity and parental leave benefits from disability assistance

Letter in support of the Bill M-222 to recognize gender identity and gender expression in the Human Rights Code

West Coast LEAF’s vision of gender equality includes a commitment to advancing the human rights of persons who are transgender and challenging the systemic inequalities they face. Read our letter in support of Bill M-222, an amendment to the Human Rights Code that would recognize gender identity and gender expression, which would add explicit protection from discrimination. … Read more Letter in support of the Bill M-222 to recognize gender identity and gender expression in the Human Rights Code

Submission to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights on the Study on Access to the Justice System

On April 14, 2016, West Coast LEAF’s Executive Director and Director of Litigation appeared before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights in Ottawa to offer our expert perspective on the barriers to women’s access to justice in Canada. West Coast LEAF was invited to share our expertise on these issues as part of … Read more Submission to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights on the Study on Access to the Justice System