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34 results for: Family well-being, Submission

Joint submission on the Family Law Act Modernization Project

In a joint submission, West Coast LEAF and Rise Women’s Legal Centre responded to the Ministry of Attorney General’s call for public input on Phase 2 of the Family Law Act (FLA) Modernization Project. The FLA builds off the 1979 Family Relations Act and is BC’s primary legislation on issues related to family relationships. It … Read more Joint submission on the Family Law Act Modernization Project

Joint submission to the BC Law Institute on Parentage

In a joint submission, West Coast LEAF and Rise Women’s Legal Centre responded to the BC Law Institute’s (BCLI) Consultation Paper on Parentage. The Consultation Paper suggests reforms that will update and modernize  BC’s parentage laws under Part 3 of the Family Law Act (FLA). Parentage is the legal relationship between a parent and child. … Read more Joint submission to the BC Law Institute on Parentage

Open letter on changes to MCFD’s Out-of-Care Policy on Extended Family Program Agreements

West Coast LEAF, alongside other legal advocates, impacted parents, and front-line family support organizations, has written a letter to the Premier and Minister of Child and Family Development to voice serious concerns about amendments made to Ministry of Child and Family Development’s (MCFD’s) Out-of-Care Policy.  In the fall of 2023, MCFD amended its Out-of-Care Policy … Read more Open letter on changes to MCFD’s Out-of-Care Policy on Extended Family Program Agreements

Open letter calling for an end to harmful involuntary drug testing of parents

West Coast LEAF and Parents Advocating Collecting for Kin (PACK) are joined by leading BC rights organizations and advocates to call on the BC government to immediately end the harmful and discriminatory practice of involuntarily drug testing parents who are engaged with the family policing system, also known as the child welfare system. Involuntary drug … Read more Open letter calling for an end to harmful involuntary drug testing of parents

Joint submission in response to MCFD’s Child, Family, and Community Service legislative reform

Alongside Keeping Families Together, Parents Advocating Collectively for Kin, RainCity Housing and Support Society, Atira Women’s Resource Society, Feminists Deliver, and several individual signatories, West Coast LEAF made a joint submission to the Ministry of Child and Family Development’s (MCFD) on their reform of the Child, Family, and Community Service Act. In our submission, we urge MCFD to take this opportunity to … Read more Joint submission in response to MCFD’s Child, Family, and Community Service legislative reform