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87 results for: Healthcare

Moore v Ministry of Education

Case summary Moore v Ministry of Education specifically concerns discrimination against severely learning-disabled (SLD) students, but the Supreme Court of Canada decision on the case will have important implications for many others experiencing discrimination. Jeffrey Moore, a student with severe dyslexia, required significant special education to meet his educational needs. When the school district cancelled its … Read more Moore v Ministry of Education

Watson v R; Spratt v R [2008]

Case summary Watson and Spratt challenged the Access to Abortion Services Act, which creates a no-protest (“bubble”) zone around abortion clinics to allow women access to clinic services free of unwanted approaches by anti-abortion protesters. Watson and Spratt argued that the bubble zone law violated their Charter right to freedom of expression. Watson/Spratt is an extension of the Lewis and Demers cases. In R … Read more Watson v R; Spratt v R [2008]