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87 results for: Criminalization

Letter urging Canada to take action on torture

On the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Convention against Torture and other forms of Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, we joined dozens of other human rights organizations, legal groups, women’s equality organizations, ethno-cultural groups and many more calling on the federal government to ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture, … Read more Letter urging Canada to take action on torture

Letter on Bill C-43 restricting access to Social Assistance for refugee claimants

We signed on to this open letter opposing the federal government’s move to allow provinces to restrict access to social assistance for refugee claimants and others who have not yet been granted permanent residence. We believe that to deny social assistance based on immigration status is to cruelly deny the most vulnerable in our society … Read more Letter on Bill C-43 restricting access to Social Assistance for refugee claimants

Inglis v Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General of BC [2013]

Case summary Inglis concerns the constitutionality of the 2008 closure of the mother-baby program at Alouette Correctional Centre for Women. The program accommodated women who gave birth during their prison terms. Infants were allowed to stay with their mothers in the months after their births, giving them time to bond, breastfeed and develop familial attachments. The … Read more Inglis v Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General of BC [2013]

Submission to the 2014 Budget Consultations

In our annual submission to BC’s Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services, we called on the BC government to prioritize women’s equality in the upcoming budget by, among other things, investing in legal aid, implementing the recommendations of the Missing Women’s Commission of Inquiry, and increasing funding to prevent and respond to male violence … Read more Submission to the 2014 Budget Consultations

Polygamy Reference [2010]

Case summary This reference required the Court to determine whether s.293 of the Criminal Code (the “Polygamy Provision”) is constitutional, including whether the provision can be interpreted to ensure that it is constitutionally valid.  West Coast LEAF had a demonstrable historical and current interest in the practice of polygamy, in particular, in Bountiful, BC, and in the … Read more Polygamy Reference [2010]