Mind the Pay Gap: A Legislative Approach to Ending Pay Discrimination in BC
Graduate students from the School of Public Policy at Simon Fraser University prepared Mind the Gap: A Legislative Approach to Ending Pay Discrimination in BC, a report that evaluates the legislative tools available to the province of BC to effectively address gender-based pay discrimination. West Coast LEAF partnered with the team through the Simon Fraser University’s BC Priorities Project and provided guidance on the drafting of the report and engaged students in conversations with decision makers.
We are grateful to have engaged in this valuable knowledge exchange partnership with SFU and thank the students who produced this work for their hard work and dedication.
Drawing on best practices from an international and domestic jurisdictional scan, qualitative interviews with domestic and international actors in the pay equality policy field, the report identifies key elements of policy design that must be considered to ensure the effectiveness of equal pay legislation.
The report finds that effectively addressing the pay gap could potentially complement long-term poverty reduction efforts and would align with the BC government’s current poverty reduction strategy.