Family Well-Being Coalition

About the project
The BC Family Well-being Coalition extends the work of West Coast LEAF’s 2021-2023 Communities of Practice project, which brought together impacted people and advocates concerned about BC’s family policing system.
With funding from a three-year grant from the Law Foundation of BC, we intend to continue building out spaces for systemic advocacy that challenges the current family policing landscape in BC and centers family well-being. This advocacy can include:
- skill-building
- campaigns
- research
- Other strategies yet to be determined
Our intentions are to uplift and amplify the wisdom and expertise of Indigenous leaders, families, Elders, and advocates to support the ongoing work to transform, re-envision, and reclaim the system from what’s currently an ongoing colonial intervention system to a system in which all children, families, and communities will thrive.
Building on the Communities of Practice project
The Communities of Practice project focused on facilitating spaces to come together and learn from one another about family policing advocacy and to challenge the system. West Coast LEAF, alongside community partner organizations, focused on parenting and disability, kinship caregiving, and gender-based violence, including work specifically directed at exploring how BC’s family policing system (also known as the child welfare system) could shift from a colonial system of apprehension into one that supports families, promotes prevention, and prioritizes child and family wellbeing.
The work done during the first iteration of the Communities of Practice project is now guiding our work with the Family Well-Being Coalition.
Over the course of the project, we worked with three working groups and a steering committee to address barriers and inequities within the family policing system. Some examples of this work included:
- Creating and promoting the documentary Kids Are Only Kids Once with parents and advocates
- Working with community partners on various law reform projects, including submissions and open letters to government
- An impactful four-part webinar series on family policing and the legal system
Want to learn more about our prior work on family well-being? Check out these strategies:
- Litigation as intervenors in a complaint before the BC Human Rights Tribunal about discrimination in the family policing system.
- Development of the Pathways in a Forest: Indigenous guidance on prevention-based child welfare (2018) report.
- Development of the High Stakes: The impacts of child care on the human rights of women and children (2016) report.
Family policing listservs
We’re hosting an email listserv for family policing advocates in BC. The listserv is for advocates working in family advocacy, family support, family development, etc., who share common values and goals. Its aim is to help advocates to build community, share wise practices, assist each other, and collaborate on systemic change for families. It also connects advocates who are not in the Coalition to learnings, resources, and more.
This might include questions or discussion regarding:
- Legislation, and/or regulations
- Practices and procedures
- Supporting clients and meeting their needs
- Referrals
- Systemic issues and concerns, as well as advocacy and actions to support systemic change
- Particular laws and issues affecting Indigenous clients, families, and communities
To join the listserv, contact Sharnelle Jenkins-Thompson (she/her) at community@westcoastleaf.org.
We’re hosting an email listserv for Parent’s Counsel members in BC. The purpose of the listserv is to support parent’s counsel who share common values and goals to build community, share wise practices, assist each other with problems arising in their practices, and collaborate on systemic change. This might include questions or discussion regarding:
- Case law, legislation, and/or regulations
- Practices and procedures
- Supporting clients and meeting their legal and non-legal needs;
- Referrals
- Systemic issues and concerns, as well as advocacy and actions to support systemic change
- The particular laws and issues affecting Indigenous clients, families, and communities
If you are interested in joining the listserv, please email community@westcoastleaf.org with the subject: Joining Parent’s Counsel Listserv. You will be sent a listserv registration before being added.
Coalition members
YWCA Metro Vancouver | Parent Support Services of BC | University of Victoria Bordering Practices Project |
BC Poverty Reduction Coalition | RayCam Cooperative Centre | Risebridge Project |
Hulitan Family & Community Services Society | Red Willow Womyn’s Society | Parents Advocating Collectively for Kin (PACK) |
RainCity Housing | EVA BC | Aboriginal Housing Management Association |
South Asian Legal Clinic BC | Inclusion BC | The BC Society of Transition Houses |
S.N.O.W. (Society for Narcotic Opioid Wellness) | Nesting Doula Collective | Mothers Matter Centre |
Keeping Families Together | Pivot Legal Society | Community Advisory & Action Co-op (CAAC) |
Network to Eliminate Violence in Relationships (NEVR) | Rise Women’s Legal Centre | Vancouver Aboriginal Community Policing Centre |
DAWN Canada | Indigenous Disability Canada | Butterflies in Spirit |
Want to join?
Want to join the coalition? Once you have reviewed the Terms of Reference, please take our short prospective membership survey.
Get in touch
For questions, please get in touch with Sharnelle Jenkins-Thompson (she/her), project lead and manager of community outreach at West Coast LEAF at community@westcoastleaf.org
This project was made possible by generous funding from the Law Foundation of BC.