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87 results for: Submission

Submission to the Fair Wages Commission

In December 2017, West Coast LEAF submitted recommendations to BC’s Fair Wages Commission, with a focus on closing the gap between the living wage and the minimum wage and addressing the gendered dimensions of economic insecurity. Our recommendations included: Read our briefing note here. Submissions

Briefing note on pay equity

In August 2018, West Coast LEAF met with the Honourable Minister Harry Bains and the Parliamentary Secretary for Gender Equity Mitzi Dean to present a briefing note calling for proactive pay equity and pay transparency legislation to be implemented in the province. British Columbia is the third worst province in Canada when it comes to the gendered earnings gap. … Read more Briefing note on pay equity

Submissions on BC’s Poverty Reduction Strategy

In March 2018, West Coast LEAF submitted recommendations on BC’s Poverty Reduction Strategy to the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction. We highlighted the need for an intersectional gender analysis for all policies, legislation, and decision-making to address poverty, and for inter-ministerial collaboration and a whole-of-government approach to tackling this issue. We made specific … Read more Submissions on BC’s Poverty Reduction Strategy

2016 CEDAW Shadow Report

Canada is a signatory to a number of international declarations and conventions that commit our governments to advancing the equality rights of women in BC. One such international treaty is the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). CEDAW provides a comprehensive code of what women’s equality means in marriage, … Read more 2016 CEDAW Shadow Report