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Letter urging Canada to take action on torture

On the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Convention against Torture and other forms of Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, we joined dozens of other human rights organizations, legal groups, women’s equality organizations, ethno-cultural groups and many more calling on the federal government to ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture, … Read more Letter urging Canada to take action on torture

Letter on Bill C-43 restricting access to Social Assistance for refugee claimants

We signed on to this open letter opposing the federal government’s move to allow provinces to restrict access to social assistance for refugee claimants and others who have not yet been granted permanent residence. We believe that to deny social assistance based on immigration status is to cruelly deny the most vulnerable in our society … Read more Letter on Bill C-43 restricting access to Social Assistance for refugee claimants

BC Public School Employers’ Association v BC Teachers Federation [2014]

Case summary This case is about the ongoing struggle to have women’s reproductive work fully recognized, and to ensure that all benefit schemes for parents and pregnant women are consistent with the requirements of substantive equality. The central legal issue in this case is whether a government employer who provides benefits to women who give … Read more BC Public School Employers’ Association v BC Teachers Federation [2014]

Letter on Bill C-279: An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Canada Human Rights Act (Gender Identity)

We wrote to BC’s five Senators calling on them to pass Bill C-279 urgently and without amendment to ensure that the Canadian Human Rights Act and Criminal Code offer protection to trans people in Canada. Canada’s trans community faces extreme levels of violence, stigma and discrimination. Bill C-279 offers transgender Canadians protection from hate crimes under the Criminal Code and assured … Read more Letter on Bill C-279: An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Canada Human Rights Act (Gender Identity)

Letter on the Mandate of the Independent Investigations Office

Initiated by Justice for Girls, we wrote a joint letter to the Special Committee to Review the Independent Investigations Office describing the need for independent and accountable reviews of police-perpetrated sexual assaults, as well as our concerns that the Independent Investigations Office has not proven itself capable of carrying out these complex and sensitive investigations.  … Read more Letter on the Mandate of the Independent Investigations Office