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BC Civil Liberties Association and the John Howard Society of Canada v Canada [2017]

Case summary This case is a Charter challenge to the use of solitary confinement in Canadian federal prisons. Under the regime challenged in this case, federally incarcerated persons can be placed in a type of solitary confinement called administrative segregation for a variety of vague and general reasons, such as belief on the part of prison administrators … Read more BC Civil Liberties Association and the John Howard Society of Canada v Canada [2017]

Release: Coalition of women’s organizations commends Camp decision

A national Coalition of women’s organizations commends today’s decision by an Inquiry Committee appointed by the Canadian Judicial Council that recommends the removal of Justice Robin Camp from his position as judge. The unanimous five-person committee concluded, “Justice Camp’s conduct is so manifestly and profoundly destructive of the concept of the impartiality, integrity and independence … Read more Release: Coalition of women’s organizations commends Camp decision

2016 CEDAW Shadow Report

Canada is a signatory to a number of international declarations and conventions that commit our governments to advancing the equality rights of women in BC. One such international treaty is the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). CEDAW provides a comprehensive code of what women’s equality means in marriage, … Read more 2016 CEDAW Shadow Report

Letter to Burnaby about the Metrotown Development Plan and women’s housing security

In November 2016, we wrote to Burnaby’s City Councilors and Mayor Derek Corrigan to urge them to take into account the possible consequences of displacement from rental housing for vulnerable residents, particularly women and their children, as they consider the Metrotown Development Plan. We explained why women and children’s safety and economic security are at … Read more Letter to Burnaby about the Metrotown Development Plan and women’s housing security

Release: BC Court of Appeal decision a disappointing loss for equality

VANCOUVER – In a step backward for the legal profession, the BC Court of Appeal (“BCCA”) has dismissed an appeal regarding the Law Society of BC’s rejection of the proposed law school at Trinity Western University (“TWU”). In Trinity Western University and Brayden Volkenant v Law Society of British Columbia, the BCCA found that the Law Society’s decision … Read more Release: BC Court of Appeal decision a disappointing loss for equality

Release: Canadian child care system under the international microscope

VANCOUVER – Today, West Coast LEAF and the Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC (CCCABC) are at the United Nations in Geneva to participate in a review of Canada’s federal and provincial progress under the international bill of women’s rights. West Coast LEAF and CCABC are meeting with the UN Committee on the Elimination … Read more Release: Canadian child care system under the international microscope

Release: Canada held to account for its disappointing women’s rights record by the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women

Joint Statement by Canadian Civil Society Organizations Today Canada’s record of women’s equality is under the spotlight at the United Nations in Geneva. The 65th Session of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women happens at an opportune moment for Canadian women. Canada has a new federal government with a Prime Minister who … Read more Release: Canada held to account for its disappointing women’s rights record by the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women

Joint submission to the UN on child care and CEDAW

In October 2016, West Coast LEAF partnered with the Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC on a submission to the United Nations about the essential role of child care for fulfilling Canada’s obligations under CEDAW (the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women). Our Director of Law Reform traveled to Geneva, Switzerland … Read more Joint submission to the UN on child care and CEDAW

Release: Human rights groups call for increased welfare rates, protection of right to food

West Coast LEAF has issued a press release jointly with the BC Civil Liberties Association, Pivot Legal Society, BC Public Interest Advocacy Centre, and Community Legal Assistance Society calling on the BC government to raise social assistance rates and address the resulting epidemic of food insecurity and the dire consequences for human health and safety. The press release coincides with … Read more Release: Human rights groups call for increased welfare rates, protection of right to food