Case summary This Canadian Human Rights complaint deals with discrimination by Correctional Services Canada (CSC) against Amanda Lepine and her son (the “Complainants”). The Complainants allege that CSC discriminated against them and violated section 5 of the Canadian Human Rights Act (CHRA). Section 5 of the CHRA prohibits discriminatory practices in the provision of goods, … Read more Lepine v Correctional Services Canada [2024]
This case is about the constitutionality of s. 96 of BC’s child welfare legislation, the Child, Family, and Community Service Act. Under s. 96…
This is a complaint before the BC Human Rights Tribunal about discrimination in the child protection system…
In BC, most applications for family law legal aid are denied outright or the legal support…
Case summary The case challenged the constitutionality of section 5(3)(a)(i)(D) of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, which created a mandatory minimum jail sentence of one year for drug trafficking in certain situations. In particular, the case looked at the impacts of mandatory one-year jail sentence on a variety of offenders to determine whether the sentence … Read more Lloyd v R. [2015]
Case summary Inglis concerns the constitutionality of the 2008 closure of the mother-baby program at Alouette Correctional Centre for Women. The program accommodated women who gave birth during their prison terms. Infants were allowed to stay with their mothers in the months after their births, giving them time to bond, breastfeed and develop familial attachments. The … Read more Inglis v Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General of BC [2013]