Our projects aim to dismantle gender-based discrimination and move toward gender justice across our six issue areas.
We strive to bring about social change through community-engaged projects that centre the most impacted marginalized by overlapping systems of oppression. We do this collaboratively and in partnerships that enable us to listen deeply and work alongside those with lived expertise.
Explore our projects
Our projects often span years, building on one another and weaving together a body of work that connects community knowledge, research, outreach, and advocacy. Each project can include various tools and tactics, including policy submissions, litigation evidence-based reports, community-engaged webinars, films and media, and much more.
By utilizing a gender-based perspective and working closely with community partners, we endeavor to create projects that reflect our values and align with substantive equality principles.
Use the search function to find a specific project, or scroll down to see some of our latest projects.