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179 results for: Gender-based violence

Breaking: We’re back at the Supreme Court of Canada!

We’re headed to the Supreme Court of Canada tomorrow for a case that will affect how courts identify family violence, protect survivors, and ensure the best interests of children. Barendregt v Grebliunas is about when and how an appeal court can consider new information when deciding a family law appeal. However, it also raises concerns about whether … Read more Breaking: We’re back at the Supreme Court of Canada!

Submissions to the BC Budget 2022 Consultation

On September 29, 2021, West Coast LEAF made a written submission on BC’s Budget 2022 to the provincial legislature’s Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services. The Committee conducted public consultations on priorities for the next budget and will release a report outlining its recommendations by November 15, 2021. The upcoming budget must not be about … Read more Submissions to the BC Budget 2022 Consultation

We’re at the Supreme Court of Canada today to fight for protections for sexual assault survivors in criminal trials

A two-day hearing that has significant implications for how courts handle sexual assault cases is underway at the Supreme Court of Canada. We are intervening alongside Salal Sexual Violence Support Centre, formerly WAVAW Rape Crisis Centre, in the two appeals being heard together—R. v J.J. and A.S. v Her Majesty the Queen et al. These cases are about … Read more We’re at the Supreme Court of Canada today to fight for protections for sexual assault survivors in criminal trials

Release: Supreme Court set to review protections for sexual assault survivors in criminal trials

VANCOUVER, UNCEDED COAST SALISH HOMELANDS – A two-day hearing that has significant implications for how courts handle sexual assault cases commences today at the Supreme Court of Canada. West Coast LEAF and Salal Sexual Violence Support Centre (formerly WAVAW Rape Crisis Centre) (“the Coalition”) are intervening together in two appeals being heard at the same … Read more Release: Supreme Court set to review protections for sexual assault survivors in criminal trials

Defending the privacy and equality rights of sexual assault survivors

West Coast LEAF and Salal Sexual Violence Support Centre, formerly WAVAW, have been granted leave to jointly intervene in two appeals before the Supreme Court of Canada that address the constitutionality of new protections for complainants in sexual assault trials. The cases, R. v J.J. (an appeal and cross-appeal arising out of BC), and A.S. v Her Majesty the Queen (an … Read more Defending the privacy and equality rights of sexual assault survivors

R. v Kirkpatrick [2021]

Case summary This case is about whether the Criminal Code recognizes that a person can consent to sex on the condition that their partner wears a condom. When a person insists on condom use, does their partner commit sexual assault if they sabotage their condom, remove their condom during sex without their partner’s knowledge (a practice often … Read more R. v Kirkpatrick [2021]