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87 results for: Criminalization

Submission on 2017 Budget Consultations

In October 2016, West Coast LEAF wrote to the Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services to call for women’s equality to be made a priority for BC’s 2017 budget. We made particular recommendations to reduce poverty, improve women’s access to justice, and address the unacceptable treatment of women in prison, including the over-incarceration of Indigenous women. Read our submission.  (PDF, … Read more Submission on 2017 Budget Consultations

Release: Discrimination case against street homeless puts equal protection to the test

VANCOUVER – Today, West Coast LEAF in coalition with the Community Legal Assistance Society (CLAS) is at the BC Court of Appeal (BCCA) in an appeal concerning discrimination against Vancouver’s street homeless population. The appeal, brought by the Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association (DVBIA) and the City of Vancouver (COV), seeks to overturn a finding … Read more Release: Discrimination case against street homeless puts equal protection to the test

Release: Supreme Court of Canada strikes down mandatory minimum sentence for drug offence

VANCOUVER – In a ground-breaking judgment, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled today that mandatory minimum sentencing for certain drug offences violates the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This case challenged a section of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, which creates a mandatory minimum one year jail term for drug possession in certain situations. West Coast LEAF … Read more Release: Supreme Court of Canada strikes down mandatory minimum sentence for drug offence

Why a Report Card? CEDAW as a Tool for Accountability

Tomorrow we release our 10th annual CEDAW Report Card. A lot has changed in BC since our last election in April 2017. A lot of promises have been made, and a lot of words spoken. This year, we are measuring whether all this talk has trickled down to make a real impact in the lives of women. … Read more Why a Report Card? CEDAW as a Tool for Accountability

RELEASE: Report card finds that BC fails to make the grade in women’s equality

VANCOUVER – Today, West Coast LEAF released its seventh annual report card on women’s rights in BC. While the situation for women in BC has seen minor improvements this year, unfortunately for many women, BC continues to fail to deliver on its responsibilities. In particular, BC has not taken action to address the ongoing violence against … Read more RELEASE: Report card finds that BC fails to make the grade in women’s equality