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187 results for: Access to justice

Watson v R; Spratt v R [2008]

Case summary Watson and Spratt challenged the Access to Abortion Services Act, which creates a no-protest (“bubble”) zone around abortion clinics to allow women access to clinic services free of unwanted approaches by anti-abortion protesters. Watson and Spratt argued that the bubble zone law violated their Charter right to freedom of expression. Watson/Spratt is an extension of the Lewis and Demers cases. In R … Read more Watson v R; Spratt v R [2008]

Women’s Equality and Religious Freedom Report

In July 2005, we began the Women’s Equality and Religious Freedom report, which included three phases: a preliminary consultation, advisory committee discussions, and a consultation phase with Vancouver-based faith communities. Each phase included a report: Women’s Equality and Religious Freedom report Phase 1, Women’s Equality and Religious Freedom report Phase 2, and Women’s Equality and … Read more Women’s Equality and Religious Freedom Report

Smith v Funk; Amos v Virk [2003]

Case summary ICBC represented the defendants (Funk and Virk) and were seeking direct production of the plaintiff’s records from a third party.  In Smith, ICBC wanted copies of all the records of Smith’s history of receiving financial assistance from the Ministry of Human Resources. In Amos, ICBC sought medical records from third parties. In both cases the … Read more Smith v Funk; Amos v Virk [2003]