Coming soon: Gender Equality Report Card
We are excited to share that our next edition of the Gender Equality Report Card will be coming soon in January 2023. This report monitors BC’s progress in advancing gender equality in 2021 and 2022. It focuses on two key areas: economic security and access to health care.
The Report Card is a key avenue for the work necessary to bring about a more equal and just world and makes clear that those closest to the harms have the solutions. The upcoming Report Card puts those voices at the centre of law, policy, and program development for gender equality in BC.
We are grateful to the community partner organizations and their members who joined us in this learning and whose guidance was invaluable throughout this project: the 2Spirit Collective at Urban Native Youth Association (UNYA), the Trans Luncheon Club at PACE Society, and the Society for Narcotic and Opioid Wellness (SNOW).
- 2Spirit Collective at UNYA directly supports Indigenous youth “who identify as 2-spirit or LGBTQ+ and for those who are questioning their sexual or gender identities.”
- Trans Luncheon Club at PACE is a community space “for transgender, two-spirit, non-binary, and gender diverse folk who have lived or living experience in sex work.”
- SNOW is a peer support group in the Dawson Creek area for community members with lived experience with drug use.
We worked with dialogue participants to identify key issues and concerns connected to economic security and access to healthcare in BC. Guided by participants’ insights, we reviewed reports, statistics, and other sources to explore the impacts of these gendered human rights issues across BC over the past two years.
In fall 2022, we met with each community dialogue group to review and assess the themes and government actions we had identified. We invited participants to assign a grade that reflected their assessment of the provincial government’s progress on gender justice. We also invited report feedback and input on grading from 26 organizations and 35 individuals with expertise in the key issue areas.
With enormous gratitude, we thank the community dialogue participants and community reviewers who generously shared their insights to guide our research and analysis. We look forward to sharing our latest Report Card in January and to developing advocacy enriched with lived knowledge and experience of community members and organizations.
Read more about the upcoming BC Gender Equality Report Card.