Become a member

Become a member

Join our community by becoming a member of West Coast LEAF!

Membership is a great way of demonstrating a deeper level of commitment to our work and organization. Members are able to vote in our Annual General Meeting, and will receive a copy of our annual report and LEAFlet newsletter.

Many hands along a tree trunk.
unsplash / Shane Rounce

Fill out the form below to pay your membership fee by credit card

A donation of any amount allows you to become a member. Would you rather donate by cheque, or start a monthly direct debit? Send your cheque to West Coast LEAF at PO Box 28051 West Pender Street PO, Vancouver, BC, V6C 3T7. Or donate by phone at 604-684-8772.

Membership is valid for one year, and we’ll let you know when your membership is due for renewal. If you become a monthly donor, you can link your membership so that you will stay current for as long as your monthly gift is active. You can ask us anytime about your membership status.

Help us stay in touch! If you’re a current member and you’ve moved or changed your name, let us know so we can be sure your mail is addressed correctly. Email Sharon Xia at

Take action for justice and equity!

We need your help to make positive, transformative change.