Is That Legal? revised edition – now multilingual!
About the resource
This plain language legal guide was developed for youth as part of our Legal Responses to Cyber Misogyny project. It explains what the law says about five common online situations that young people may experience.
Is That Legal? was originally published in June 2014, and we were delighted to have the opportunity to create a thoroughly revised 2017 edition with the support and collaboration of Legal Aid BC. The 2017 edition contains updates to the law, features an expanded section on consent, uses plainer language, and integrates the feedback of youth and service providers. A big thanks to all who shared their knowledge and vision throughout this project!
Download the English PDF version of Is That Legal?
Multilingual versions now available!
Huge thanks to Legal Aid BC for funding the translations and partnering with West Coast LEAF to produce Is That Legal? in languages other than English. Download the PDF versions by clicking on the images or links below, or order print copies from Crown Publications!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Page 4 of this publication may contain an error in some editions other than English and Chinese Simplified. We are working on identifying which versions are affected and making the correction. Page 4 may say, “If anyone in an intimate image is 18 or younger, child pornography laws apply.” The correct information is, “If anyone in an intimate image is younger than 18, child pornography laws apply.” We apologize for this error.
Ordering information
Free print copies of Is That Legal? can be ordered from Crown Publications at the links below. Unfortunately, the French language edition is available online only, not in print.
Here are instructions for ordering from Crown Publications. Individuals may order one free print copy. Organizations wishing to order multiple copies must first apply for an account with Legal Aid BC. To apply for an account, please complete this Application Form or fax a Customer Account Application Form to 604-682-0965. When your application is accepted, you’ll receive your customer ID.